WOD - March 24, 2020


20 Minute AMRAP
40 Sit Ups
20 Jumping Knee Tucks
10 Devil’s Press

Rest 30-60 seconds between rounds

Scaled/Body Weight Only - 20 Minute AMRAP
40 Sit Ups
40 High Knees (1 rep per leg)
10 Burpees

Rest 30-60 seconds between rounds


Bicep Curls + Push Ups
Finisher can be done at different time of the day. Break it up and have fun with it!

T-Shirt Design Contest

We already have several incredible submissions for our T-Shirt design. Continue to send your art work in, we will be sharing them all throughout the week. We will be sharing a video on Facebook on how to properly do a Devil’s Press. If you do not have social media email us your submission at MidStateCrossFit@gmail.com

MidState CrossFit

Building Lifelong Fitness


WOD - March 25, 2020


WOD - March 23, 2020