WOD - March 21, 2020

Got a jump rope?

5 Rounds For Time:
60 Double-Unders
40 Step-Back Lunges
20 Burpees

Body weight version

5 Rounds For Time:
60 Lateral Line Hops
40 Step-Back Lunges
20 Burpees

Daily Push Up Challenge

Everyday until we return MidState CrossFit and Fearless Yoga will be joining together in a push up challenge. 100 Push Ups until we return to our beloved box and/or yoga studio. You can break it up throughout the day or do all 100 all at once!


Today a friend of ours said “now is the time to turn lemons into lemonade”, so over the next week we will be giving all barbells some well deserved TLC. Things that are sometimes a logistical nightmare are going to be addressed full force. When we return we will be better then before. #MidStateOhana

MidState CrossFit

Building Lifelong Fitness


WOD - March 23, 2020


WOD - March 20, 2020