WOD - March 19, 2020

Well here we go, we are now a “social distanced” gym. Our first WOD is as follows.


Walk 1 Mile holding something heavy in one hand:
examples… DB, KB, a milk jug… with water in it, a 5th of vodka, a baby… anything that will tire you out.
Every time you put it down perform…
20 jumping jacks and 10 push ups.
Switch sides you are carrying on.

To keep the community together we will be using the following hashtag to creating a lasting legacy of how we came together as a “Family” #MidStateOhana … Since 2014 we have been a family of MisFit toys trying to have the best hour of day together and live well into our 90s. This pandemic will not change that. If you do not have social media please send pictures, videos, testimonies, or anything you would like to share to MidStateCrossFit@gmail.com We love you all!

MidState CrossFit

Building Lifelong Fitness


WOD - March 20, 2020


WOD - March 18, 2020