WOD - January 20, 2020


Turkish Get Ups


7 Minute EMOM KB or DB
8 Clean and Press (4 each arm)

Rest 1 Minute

7 Minute EMOM KB or DB
10 Goblet Squat

Rest 1 Minute

7 Minute EMOM KB
15 KB Swings

Gaza Hero WOD

For the past many years MidState CrossFit has supported CrossFit Sonora by sending teams up to CrossFit Sonora to participate in their hosting of “Gaza”. This year due to Covid-19 restrictions we will be participating by hosting a virtual WOD here at MidState. Saturday, January 30th from 0800-1200 we will be doing the Gaza WOD as a community more details to follow once we sort out details and heats.

If you would like to register officially for the workout, donate, and receive a commemorative T-Shirt please click on the link below and follow all prompts, [Adriel only messed it up once :)] Participants can complete this work out as individuals, pairs, trios, or teams of four.

Come join in on the fun, currently thinking tacos after.
Gaza WOD Registration

MidState CrossFit

Building Lifelong Fitness


WOD - January 21, 2020


WOD - January 19, 2020