WOD - February 26, 2021

Events Update

Saturday Kids Event - Event briefing starts at 0830. Parents and athletes be a few minutes early so you do not miss a chance to warm up, WOD explanations, and prizes description.
Doors will open up approximately 0730.

Saturday Open Gym - Cancelled. Come and support our 30 plus youth athletes competing!

Sunday - MidState GoRuck Castle Walk About. Meet at Tarmac Brewery parking lot 0900. Bring a backpack with weight in it and a smile. We will be walking all around Castle Air Force base until we reach 5 miles. Then we will go have a beer or two at the Brewery. Super low key, bring friends, you do not have to be MidState Members to join in on the fun!

WOD Prep

10 Minutes to establish working weight/plan for each movement

Power Clean
DB Hang Clean and Jerk
DB Suitcase Deadlift


4 Rounds
10 Deadlifts (225/155)
20 Single Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerk (10 each arm)

-Directly Into-

4 Rounds
10 Power Cleans (135/95)
20 Single DB Suitcase Deadlift (10 each arm)

MidState CrossFit

Building Lifelong Fitness


WOD - March 1, 2021


WOD - February 25, 2021