WOD - April 15, 2020

I hope you all had fun participating in the United in Movement workouts! We now return to your normally scheduled programming lol. We have lended out almost all of our box’s equipment. Knowing that a significant number of our members have barbells, dumbbells and kettlebells, our programming will hopefully look more like “CrossFit” and less like body weight calisthenics. We will continue to make them house, garage, and backyard friendly. If you need other scale options, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
We hope to have another “State of MidState Address” during a Friday Night Happy Hour at 5PM. On Saturday, we will be doing the final “Support Your Local Box” WOD at 1000AM during “Team WOD”. Thank you everyone who continues to support us! #MidStateOhana

WOD - Equipment

For Time:
5 Rounds
4 Power Cleans
12 Deadlifts
20 V-Ups or Sit Ups

WOD - Limited Equipment

For Time:
5 Rounds
4 DB/KB Power Clean
12 Suitcase DB/KB Deadlifts
20 V-Ups or Sit Ups

MidState CrossFit

Building Lifelong Fitness


WOD - April 16, 2020


WOD - April 14, 2020