WOD - April 14, 2020
United in Movement
10 Minute As Many Reps as Possible
2-4-6-8… etc…
Single-arm Alternating Devil Press
30 Double-unders
Link above will show all scale options.
This workout begins with the athlete standing tall. At the start of the clock, the athlete may begin performing their ascending movement. After each round of devil press, the athlete must perform 30 double-unders or single-unders (or hops, if no rope) before they can go onto the next round. Each round, the first movement increases in repetitions. Athletes will continue to move through the repetition increasing every round until they reach the 10 min mark.
The athlete score will be the total number of repetitions completed within the 10 minute time cap.
– 1 Dumbbell 50lb (22.5kg) for men, 35lb (15kg) for women
– Jump rope
Movement Standards
Single-arm Alternating Devil Press
Is a combination of a dumbbell burpee and a dumbbell snatch. Athletes will start each repetition with the dumbbell on the ground. Then, with one of the athlete’s hand on the dumbbell, they’ll perform a burpee, with their chest and thighs making contact with the floor. From here, the athlete will jump to their feet, never taking their one hand from the dumbbell. Next, the athlete shall snatch or swing the dumbbell with the same arm from the floor and finish with it locked out overhead, with hips, knees, shoulders, and arms at full extension. This shall indicate a completed repetition. In this alternating format, the athlete must switch arms at some point between repetitions. The can occur during the lowering of the dumbbell from overhead (at or below the athlete’s eyes,) or on the ground.
Please note, the athlete may “swing” the dumbbell between their legs to help to build momentum to get them overhead, but the athlete may NOT pause at the shoulders and press the dumbbells.
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Double-under (or Single-under)
This requires the athlete to make two rotations with the rope for every single jump. If performing a single-under, this is a normal jump rope repetition.
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Wall Climb
Starting in a push-up position up facing away from a wall, supporting your weight on your hands and toes, with the athlete’s arms straight and legs extended. Keeping the athlete’s body in a straight line throughout, the athlete should proceed to walk up the wall, pressing their body into it until the athlete’s parallel to the wall, with their chest and feet in contact with the wall. Once the athlete’s chest returns back to the ground, the rep shall be counted.
For those opting to do a scaled version, the athlete may walk as high up the wall as possible, setting a target they can maintain throughout the AMRAP.
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Inchworm Push-up
The athlete must walk their hands out until they’re in a high plank position, maintaining a straight line from head to heels. Lowering their body to the floor, they shall then perform a push-up ensuring your chest touches the ground. Then, they must walk their hands back to the start, keeping their legs straight to return to a standing position.