Home WOD - August 10, 2020

Tabata Chipper

Tabata - Renegade Row w/ Push Up
Tabata - Weighted Air Squats
Tabata - Weighted Sit Ups
1 Minute Rest
1 Mile Run

Renegade Row: In the push up position have 2 Dumbbells in your hands. Row the left dumbbell toward your core and place it back on the ground. Then row the right dumbbell toward your core and place it back on the ground. Then perform 1 push up. Continue to do that cycle until the 20 seconds are complete. Perform rows without weight in hand and scale to the coach, or use a chair like a plyo-box to scale movement. The more plank like your body looks the better.

Weighted Air Squats: Hold weight close to your body or in the front rack position. Maintain good posture and squats below parallel. Perform regular air squats as a scale.

Weighted Sit Ups: Hold weight at chest sit up until your shoulders pass the crease of your hips. Maintain good posture. Perform regular sit ups as a scale.

Mile Run: If you are feeling good and the heat is not too much. Send it!

End this work out with heavy breath and with nothing in the tank. Intensity is your friend.

MidState CrossFit

Building Lifelong Fitness


Home WOD - August 11, 2020


Home WOD - August 6, 2020