WOD - April 8, 2020

United in Movement


20 Minute as Many Reps as Possible
20 Hand Release Push Ups
30 Goblet Squats
40 Hand Release Push Ups
50 Dumbbell Lunges
60 Hand Release Push Ups
70 Single Arm Suitcase Deadlift

Link above will show all scale options.


This workout begins with the athlete standing tall. At the start of the clock, the athlete may begin performing their variety of push-ups. After their completion, the athlete may grab the dumbbell and begin the squats. Once complete, they will begin the next set of push-ups, and continue through the movements in this order. At the completion of the 70 Single-arm Suitcase Deadlifts, if time remains, the athlete will start at the top of the ladder with the first set of push-ups.

The athlete score will be the total number of rounds and repetitions completed within the 20 minute time cap.


– 1 Dumbbell 50lb (22.5kg) for men, 35lb (15kg) for women
– Backpack or odd object.
– A Wall

Movement Standards

Hand Release Push Ups
Each rep begins with an athlete face-down on the floor, with their hands, chest, thighs, and toes in contact with the floor. The athlete must then visibly remove their hands from the floor, to signify complete resting of the athlete’s body weight on the floor. The athlete shall then return their hands to the floor and press until the elbows are locked out at the top with the feet no wider than shoulder-width. A straight body position must be maintained throughout the push-up. No snaking, sagging or pushing up from the knees is allowed.

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Knee & Wall Push Ups
For the Knee push-up, all applies as the above, however the athlete may place their knees on the ground in place of their toes, but otherwise must maintain a straight body position.

For the Wall Push Up, the athlete shall remain in a standing position facing the wall, and must place the hands against the wall and perform a push up. As wide an angle between the athlete’s body and the wall as so to maintain a straight back is recommended.

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Goblet Squat
In the Goblet Squat, the Dumbbell must be held in a front rack position. The hip crease must clearly pass below the top of the knees in the bottom position. At the top, the knees and hips must be completely open. A full squat clean on the first repetition will count as a repetition as long as all the above requirements are met.

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Weighted Squats
In this movement, the athlete may use a backpack or any odd that they have access to, preferably on the athlete’s back. The hip crease must clearly pass below the top of the knees in the bottom position. At the top, the knees and hips must be completely open.

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Air Squat
The hip crease must clearly pass below the top of the knees in the bottom position. At the top, the knees and hips must be completely open. In case of a lack of range of motion, the athlete may use something to assist, i.e. a chair to sit down and stand up.

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Dumbbell Stationary Forward Lunge
The dumbbell lunge begins with the dumbbell in contact with either or both of the athlete’s shoulders. This includes in the front rack or the back rack. The athlete must maintain that contact throughout the duration of the repetition.

If using a backpack, the athlete may wear it at this time, or if unweighted, their repetition begins below.

From here, the athlete may begin lunging forward, with one leg stepping forward, and then returning back to standing. At the start of each repetition, the athletes’ hips and knees must be fully extended. At the bottom, the athletes knee must make contact with the floor. Each repetition must be alternating.

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Single Arm Suitcase Deadlifts
For this movement the athlete must take the dumbbell from the floor with one hand by the handle. The dumbbell must be to one side of the athlete’s body (not between their legs,) and the athlete’s feet cannot be spread sumo. Then, while holding the handle, the athlete must stand tall, with their hips, and knees locked out at full extension, with the athlete holding the dumbbell at their side. When returning back to the ground on the same side, one head of the dumbbell must touch the ground. The athlete may perform touch & go repetitions, and may switch their hands as they please.

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Single Leg Deadlifts
From a standing position, the athlete must take a foot off the ground, incline the body so both or one hand touches the floor while the leg drives back. Switch legs for each repetition. For balance the athlete can get assistance to complete the movement, i.e. holding from a chair, table, etc.

MidState CrossFit

Building Lifelong Fitness


WOD - April 9, 2020


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