WOD - April 6, 2020

In conjunction with The Support Your Local Box Fundraiser, we are also participating in the United in Movement workouts. Every day for seven days they will be posting WOD’s. I’m sure you’ve already seen some of the big name athletes doing them because we are a couple days behind but we are going to do them anyways! Plus the first workout was so good we couldn’t pass it up! Love us some burpees! Check out the link below to see what United in Movement is all about.

United in Movement


7 Minute As Many Reps as Possible
Line Facing Burpees
*Over a 6in line


Prior to the workout the athlete must mark 2 lines on the floor, with a 6 inch distance between them. This workout begins with the athlete standing tall facing the perpendicular lines. On go, the athlete may begin performing line-facing burpees, as many repetitions as possible in 7 minutes.

The athlete’s score will be the total number of repetitions completed within the 7 minute time cap.


– Tape and/or something to mark two lines

Movement Standards

Line-Facing Burpees

The Line-Facing Burpee begins with the athlete standing tall. Next, the athlete may step or jump back, with their hands, chest and feet on the ground, completely behind the line closest to them. The athlete will then arrive at standing, by stepping or jumping up. Then, with both feet clearly behind the line closest to them, with a two foot take off, the athlete may jump completely over both lines to clear the 6 inch distance. This is when the rep is complete. Between each rep, the athlete shall step or jump back behind the line closest to them where they originated the burpee. If the athlete does not completely clear the marked lines or makes contact with a line at any point of the jump, this will be a no-rep, and the athlete must reattempt the jump portion. The “Just Move” division is allowed to step over the 6 inch mark.

MidState CrossFit

Building Lifelong Fitness


WOD - April 7, 2020


WOD - April 4, 2020