Quarter Finals 2024


The CrossFit Season Continues! 15 athletes made quarterfinals this year. A huge congratulations to all of our MidState CF misfits, madmen, and badass ladies. In no particular order they are Daniel Fishman, Daniel Mast, Gabby Boucher, Alejandra Alvarez, Alexa Devine, Brian Boucher, Brianna Martinez, Brittney DeBusk, Daniel Holmes, Dominique Zuniga, Gabriella Moreno, Kate Samuelson, Rick Marchini, Sabrina Barragan, and Sydney Hughes. What a list of both wonderful athletes and amazing human beings.

MidState CrossFit is going to go all in and join in on the party through our classroom experience. CAP (CrossFit Affiliate Programming) will be putting out lesson plans for affiliates just like ours to run the quarterfinals in the classroom setting. If you are one of the above athletes we want to give you an opportunity to thrive as an athlete. Thursday, April 18th and Friday, April 19th we will be running class as normal as described, everyone comes to your normal favorite class time and we throw down. On Saturday & Sunday we will have a special schedule allowing our Quarterfinal athletes an opportunity to complete the competition. We will be Open both days from 0800-1200. We will also have CAP programming (quarterfinals) on Monday, April 22.  Just like any other normal class at MSCF all workouts will be scalable and coached appropriately, so that we can all train together. 

If you were on the edge of your seats for the Open then let’s do it again and cheer on our athletes or compete alongside them. Are you a bubble athlete and want to throw down as well, you are invited too!!! This should be a really fun weekend of testing fitness.

MidState CrossFit

Building Lifelong Fitness


12 Hero WODs in 12 Hours


Overcoming Fear