Peabody Hero WOD

Saturday Open Gym is from 0800-1100. Please join in with us as we honor the fallen.

Correctional Officer Jose V. Rivera, 22, of Le Grand, CA, was killed June 20, 2008, when two inmates murdered him at United States Penitentiary of Atwater, CA, while working his housing unit. Jose also served in the United States Navy where he did two tours in Iraq. Jose was in the end of the process of becoming a CHP Officer at the time of his death. Jose V. Rivera will never be forgotten by his family, co-workers (brothers & sisters), and friends.

20 Burpee Box Jump Overs (20 inch)
800M Run
20 Wall Balls
800M Run
20 Kettlebell Swings
800M Run
20 Strict Pull Ups
800M Run
20 Clean and Jerks (135/95)
800M Run
20 Cal Row/Bike
800M Run

Scaling options will be available on the white board.

MidState CrossFit

Building Lifelong Fitness


WOD - June 22, 2020


WOD - June 19, 2020