Halloween Week
MidState CrossFit is entering the holiday season, absolutely nuts! For many of us, this season of life brings little one’s eyes front and center, it is what makes this time of year so special. Sharing our love for a healthy lifestyle in a community full of people who genuinely want the best for one another, is the blessing of a lifetime. This week is full of Autumn fun!
Halloween is Tuesday, normal class hours, come get your WOD, extra credit and goodies for those who do it in costume! Costumed kids are welcome to visit us in their outfits as well! Coach Gabby has special treats and maybe a potato for each and every one of our special trick or treaters!
On Sunday, at Merced Junior College is the Run For The Fallen. Come in your MSCF swag and represent!!! Plus we get so many added bonuses: a real 5K time (DATA!!!), a community event outside of the gym, AND it’s supportive of our veterans… FREE, WIN-WIN-WIN...WIN!