WOD - November 16, 2021
MidState Holiday Strength
Powerlifting, Body Building, and CrossFit. Some of you have already grown so much confidence and skills both in the Squat and in the Press. Continue down the road we are on and be smart about your body! CrossFit is infinitely scalable and we should be approaching the Holiday Strength Cycle in the same way. Communicate with your Coaches, allow us to help guide you through (for many of you) is your first strength cycle ever.
Back Squat - 1 Set every 3 minutes
4 Reps @ 60%
3 Reps @ 70%
3x3 Reps @ 80%
Strict Chin Ups - 1 Set every 2 minutes
6 Sets of 3 Reps
25 Cal Bike Sprint
Rest 1:00
20 Cal Bike Sprint
Rest 1:00
15 Cal Bike Sprint
Rest 1:00
10 Cal Bike Sprint