WOD - August 19, 2020


3 Rounds
100 Double Unders
60/45 Cal Row/Bike
30 Sit Ups

Jacked and Tan

4 Dead Sprints

Schedule Changes

Since opening outside there are things that have worked awesome and some things we are going to change. First, I think we can all agree that the semi-permanent awning installed by Papa Joe and the neighborhood boys is absolutely incredible. Second, we are going to change up the schedule again. We are going to add another morning class from 0630-0730AM and shorten “Open Gym” by one hour. We believe more people would rather have a more structured hour outside versus open gym. Open Gym will still be there for those who want to it from 0730-0830AM. Third, we are going to close Saturday’s for now. With all the extra going on we find it appropriate to recharge our batteries and put the best possible product on the floor Monday-Friday. On Saturday’s we will be putting fun ideas on the WOD Blog to do as a community outside of the gym. Your daily exercise needs will be met and maybe smaller groups can even organize around these ideas and do them together. This upcoming Saturday we will be posting a 5K run around Bear Creek. Thank you everyone for sticking with us!

MidState CrossFit

Building Lifelong Fitness


WOD - August 20, 2020


WOD - August 18, 2020