WOD & Mindset
Incremental Change
None of our goals professionally, emotionally, in business, or with our own fitness happens over night. Habit forms over the course of many weeks and ultimately years. Experts often say it takes 28 days to start a habit and 12 weeks for it to really stick. If you can get that far it may take 6 months to become locked in and 1-2 years to have it be part of your identity. Be aware of your personal milestones associated with each of these endeavors and be proud of yourself for putting in the effort. Be proud of coming into the gym 4 times this week, be proud of that rest day when you were listening to your body, be proud of that meal prep day. MidState is here to support you in the gym but also OUTSIDE of the gym because that is where real growth is going to happen.
Strength Technique
20 Minute EMOM
M1: 4 Snatch Grip Deadlift
M2: 3 Snatch Grip High Pull
M3: 2 Hang Power Snatches
M4: 2 Power Snatch (OR) 1 Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat
M5: Rest (Coaching Review)
All of this section should be performed at a lite weight with the focus being on form.
20 Minute EMOM
Minute 1 – Easy Rowing or Biking
Minute 2 – 1-2 Snatch
This section the athlete adds weight to find a heavy snatch for the day: Power or Squat!