SWF Seminar & WOD

Sickness - Wellness - Fitness

This Saturday, May 21st, is our first of the 2 Seminars we have planned this summer. During these events we will be talking about food choices and factors we can learn about and control to reach the goals we are all looking for. If you are able to attend only 1, still sign up! These days are filled with more opportunities to learn about yourself. Knowledge is power! Having observable, measurable, and repeatable simple tests is how we do self check ups.

By signing up you are also entering into our advocacy program where we will check in with you and personalize some goals at the individual level. We are trying to build more deeply implanted habits to create lifelong fitness for all our athletes. Apex health does not have to be voodoo magic. Being purposeful in the pursuit to improve our bodies, minds, and spiritual wellbeing starts with simple actions. Click the link below to sign up today.

Sickness-Wellness-Fitness Sign Up


3-6 Wall Walks

Murph Prep

AMRAP 20 Minutes
5 Strict CTB - OR - 5 Kipping C2B
10 Strict HSPU - OR - 10 Hand Release Push Ups
20 Pistol Squats - OR - 20 Classic Air Squats

MidState CrossFit

Building Lifelong Fitness


SWF Seminar & WOD


SWF Seminar & WOD