Mindset Monday & WOD

Mindset Monday

Do you call yourself an athlete? Are you a normal gym goer trying to be fit, working out the average 3-5 days per week? We think you should! Little bit of information, every time Coach Brian saves a members contact information in his phone, under company he writes “MidState Athlete”, why? Now we can respect the idea that if everyone is an athlete then no one is an athlete. But the reason why we save your membership information in our personal phones as MidState Athlete is because we want you to have an athlete’s mindset. Athletes are regimented, lead from the front, athletes are mindful, they meditate, they are grateful for what they can do and what people can do for them, they have a series of attributes we want MidState members to emulate. When you adopt the athlete’s mindset, you start thinking like an athlete, and you will begin to do things like an athlete.  Some examples could be going to bed at a certain time and waking at a certain time, logging your workouts and scores, keeping track of your gains and loses. Reaching out for help to improve your skills. You will also start supporting your athletic pursuits such as eating enough to support your training and lifestyle needs, and drinking enough water to stay hydrated to mitigate possible injuries. Each little thing we do to optimize our lives is one step closer to meeting our goals or peak like experience and lifelong fitness.


Push Press
3 Sets
3 reps @ 75% (Medium-Heavy)
-Directly Into-
10 Reps @ Empty Bar

Rest 2 min between sets


Min 1: Max Unbroken Bar/Ring MUs - C2B - Pull Ups
Min 2: Mountain Climbers
Min 3: V-Ups

MidState CrossFit

Building Lifelong Fitness


WOD - May 3, 2022


WOD - April 29, 2022